Sunday, September 24, 2006

Leading through Effective External Relations

An effective external relations affects a company’s ability to achieve all other measures of success. In order to build such an external relations, we’ve got to have our strategies.
After being able to develop an external relations strategy, we should always try to maitain a positive corporate image.
Another thing that is very important to the exteranl relations of the organization is working with the news media. The last important part relevant with the external relations is how to handle the crisis communication

Establishing Leadershipthrough Strategic Internal Commmunication

The chapter focused on establishing leadership through strategic internal/employee communication. It describes the role of strategic employee communication and how to ensure your employees are equipped for the greatest contribution to the success of the organization. It also discusses how to develop and use the vision and mission statements to lead the organization and provides an approach to effective change communication

Building and Leading High-Performing Teams

This chapter introduces how to build a team, how to manage people side of a team, how to handle team issuses and conflict, and how to help virtual team succeed.Most of the skills that a leader needs is to build and manage a high-performing team. Such skills and related requirement tie directly to leadership communication ability

Leading Productive Management Meetings

This chapter introduces how to lead productive management meetings. We learn to plan and conduct productive meetings by deciding when a meeting is the best forum or achieving the required result; establishig objectives, outcomes and agenda; performing essential planning; clarifying roles and establishing ground rules; using common problem-solving techniques; managing meeting problems; and ensuring follow-up actions

Developing Emotional Intelligence and Cultural Literacy to Strengthen Leadership Communication

This chapter has dealed with emotional and cultural literacy, a very important issue in communcation in the corporate environment in order to interact with others and manage our relationship successfully.
We will be able to give our judgement on the leadership styles. Developing the emotional intelligence requires quite an effort from us. With the cultural literacy, we should at first realize the importance of knowing how to deal with the cultural diversity in the corporate environment. The power to understand the diversity thus have the most efficient way to deal with our business context

Using Graphics and Powerpoint for a Leadership Edge

This Chapter shows how to use graphics effectively and efficiently for leadership communication.This chapter also helps to make the presentations more effective through some guidelines of using powerpoint

Developing and Delivering Leadership Presentations

This Chapter helps us to develop and deliver leadership presentations properly and effectively. The positive ethos coulb be created and maintained throughout.This chapter describes the 03 main phases involving plan, prepare and present – called the three “P’s” approach. This also introduces the related tools/techniques for proper preparation and delivery with confidence and comfort